Happy New Year!

January 1st, 2010

May this new year bring you abundance in all that you are looking for.

Happy 2010!

Advanced thinking

December 15th, 2009

Because I am lazy, I decided to vacuum my coffee table today, instead of dust it.  Seriously…why not?

It went so smashingly that I think, in regards to cleaning, I will deem 2010 the year of GETTING IT DONE ANYWAY YOU CAN, it don’t have to be pretty.

Quiet Dawn

July 23rd, 2009

This morning around 7:00, the house was very still, everyone asleep but me. Then KP came walking down the steps, still stretching the sleep out of his body.

As the sunlight from the bathroom lit up half his little body I looked at him in his quiet state, in the quiet of the morning and a flood of emotion washed over me.  How big his little body had gotten, how cute he was, how funny was his hair splayed in all directions, and than that crooked smile that turned into a shy “oh no you’re looking at me” look.

At that moment I fell in love with him all over again.

Just wondering…

June 24th, 2009

Would you…

Let your nine year old stay home with the other two kids while you went on a 30 minute bike ride?

Pull over to the side of the road to have your kid take their time out outside of the vehicle?

Serve your kids corn dogs for 3 consecutive nights in a row?

Send your precious 5 year old to a drop off program for 6 and up?

Would you?

The crack down

June 8th, 2009

Seriously…I’m not sure if I would want to live at my house if I were a kid.

We have kicked off the summer with cleaning chores for everyone, everyday.  Why should I have to do it all?  Once said chores are done, we can move onto fun times.

Now we have also started our Summer Adventure List and the hope is we choose one fun thing to do a week (depending on the week).  These things range from bike rides to the Sculpture Garden to The MOA to hiking and going to the zoo.

But then there is this fighting that keeps happening.  So we have made a rule.

Rule:  If you fight and you can’t resolve it, BOTH parties go to their room and stay there until I say they can come out.  I have found waiting until the next meal allows them to really think about what they have done.

How this summer goes is totally up to the choices these kids make.  Get along…we will do real fine.  Fight…you will find out just how much paint was put on the walls of your room.

I’ll keep you posted.

He will blame me for this

June 3rd, 2009

I always laugh, KP gets almost everything he hears only half right. Tomorrows blog post will certainly give you a good picture of what I am talking about. But today’s post will show you where he may have gotten it from.

Monday night our whole family was sitting in the bleachers watching CT’s baseball game. It was getting dark and late, the kids were filling up on concession stand crap as a result of soccer and baseball running right through dinner time and into dusk.

PJ left her hot dog wrapper on her seat. I picked it up, crumpled it into a ball and threw it from my seat into to garbage can, since I still couldn’t walk right.

As the foil ball went straight into the can, the following conversation unfolded.

Me: yelling, Oh Yeahhhh…MOOOOONEY SSHHHHHOT!

Adam gives me a startled look.

PJ: Mom, what’s a money shot?

Me: A money shot is when you make it right in, it’s like the best shot you can make.

PJ: I wanna make a money shot. Money shot, money shot, money shot.

Adam: Now starting to shake his head and looking at me mouthing, What are you saying? Honey no, that’s not what it means!

KP: Can I make a money shot mom?

Me: Sure!

KP & PJ: Now chanting, Money shot, money shot, money shot.

Adam proceeds to tell me in a hushed tone that a money shot has more to do with the porn world then with me making the said shot into the garbage can.

As he illuminated my world, I couldn’t stop laughing. How priceless is it that our kids are chanting porn slang at the oh so whole some baseball game.

If you read to the very end of the Wikipedia definition, you will find that I am just about half right, in a very obscure way.

Fuzzy Wuzzy

May 29th, 2009

He is coming as fast as he can to tell his friends to stay away from this kid.  He eats them for breakfast.


May 14th, 2009

I don’t know much about the Dad’s father, he died before I was born.

But the two things that I do know are these:  he worked as a bellhop for most of his life at a very fancy hotel in Ohio and he always told my dad to make sure to check a woman’s teeth before he married her.

Happy May Day

May 1st, 2009

Did you get a basket of flowers left on your door handle this morning?  I didn’t either, but that’s ok.

I remember as a kid running through the woods between my house and my friend’s and within the confines of the trees, early in the spring, these small May flowers would bloom in white and lavender.

We would spend all afternoon picking these little flowers that were sprawled through the woods.  It was so much fun, not a care in the world but to pick the biggest bunch of flowers you could and then give them to your favorite someone.

It was always my mom.

To Laura and anyone else who has never seen this skit

March 31st, 2009

Laura has had to suffer through my interpretation of this skit at least 15 times at 5:30 in the morning, while running AND never finds it funny.

Now you can see the real skit.

Thanks for sending it out Erika.  This way we can all do it together on Thursday!