First Day Of School!
This one is happy.
This one is mad.
And that little one in blue, he has no idea what to do.
Filed under CT, current events, KP, Pictures, PJ, school | Comment (0)The giant and the teeny tiny flower
Does a flower that small smell?
Most often not quite right
See that kid in the photo below?
He has found Olympic fever just like the rest of us in the house. However, he refers to it as the Olynk-dinks.
Filed under KP | Comment (1)Sometimes I wonder about him…
Last night while I was helping KP out of the tub the following conversation took place.
KP: I wish I was a tub.
Me: Waaa…why?
KP: Because then I could eat breakfast at night and I wouldn’t have a mom.
Filed under KP | Comment (0)The newest Village Person
It’s a mix of Mexican wrestler, Batman and a construction worker.
The big payoff
Ever since summer started, our basement-tv room-kids play area, has been a disaster area. It was beyond just simply cleaning it up. It needed to be cleaned out.
That said, last week when it rained, we got to it. I brought out the 70 qt storage bin and the 16 qt storage bin and a garbage bag. CT got his own bins, KP and PJ shared a set.
The kids filled the large bin with large toys and the small bin with small toys and anything broken went into the garbage bin.
Each bin had a price tag associated with it. Large bin, $5. Small bin, $1. Gargage (paper grochery bag) $1. Once we had gone through all the toys and the bins were filled (several times), we bagged them up, put them in the back of the van and dropped it all off at Good Will.
Then we went to Target with the money they had made and they each got to buy ONE new toy.
Filed under CT, House Hold Chores, KP, PJ | Comment (0)From the mouth of babes
This past weekend, this is just a sampling of some of the things I heard my kids say:
KP: This is the best Earth in the whole world. (This said just after shoving a fist full of Sour Patch Kids in his mouth).
PJ: When I’m old enough, I’m going to get my nose pierced like Auntie Shannon AND get my belly button pierced. (This said at the lunch table, just because.)
CT: I’m gay. I’m a gay baseball player! (This said while sitting at the dinner table with the WHOLE extended family while celebrating Adam’s 38th birthday.)
Filed under CT, KP, PJ | Comments (3)Fu%$*!& Bleachers
When your older brother’s baseball game gets a little slow…why not make it more exciting and careen into the metal bleachers?
Five stitches later.
I so did not mean to trip you…sorry!
Third kid
This is a photo of KP on the last day of school, during the last song of the preschool concert.
If he was my first child, I would have been mortified. The entire concert he was a screwing around, haming it up, trying to make other kids laugh, singing falsetto and working some dramatic dance movements into all the songs.
I, of course, could not stop laughing. Adam kept telling me I was terrible and nudging me with his elbow to stop.
At the bitter end of it all, when the music stopped and the kids stopped signing, he droped to the ground (as shown above) and yells, “AMEN…AAAAMMMMEENNNNNN!”
And then we left for summer break.
Filed under KP, school | Comments (2)4 and alive to talk about it
Dear KP,
You made it. You made it to four years old.
There are many a time I wasn’t sure you would. Between stuffing so much food into your mouth at one time, to jumping off a playground structure that was three times your height, to roughing up your friends and strangers alike, to running anywhere, anytime, anyhow…I’m so happy you’ve made it. And I only partially jest.
Along with your extreme rough and tumble, very “boy” behavior, you are filled with so much love to share that you can’t even contain yourself. I’m not complaining mind you, you give so much love in one squeeze that it could fuel a love sick person up in just 30 seconds or maybe kill a baby rabbit.
You, my little boy, are fun love’n, free wheel’n, determined and just a complete nut job. You make my days crazy and lovely. You make me laugh and cry out in frustration. You make it challenging and absolutely and utterly rewarding to be a mother.
I love you more than you will ever know. Our days together feel so precious. You, my little boy, are growing so fast I feel like your childhood is like the string on a kite, spinning so quickly out of the spool that at any moment the string will be gone and the kite will fly away. And there I’ll be, standing on the ground, looking up toward the sky…feverishly grabbing after it.
Happy 4th Birthday!
I love you,
Filed under KP, Pictures | Comment (0)