Quiet Dawn

July 23rd, 2009

This morning around 7:00, the house was very still, everyone asleep but me. Then KP came walking down the steps, still stretching the sleep out of his body.

As the sunlight from the bathroom lit up half his little body I looked at him in his quiet state, in the quiet of the morning and a flood of emotion washed over me.  How big his little body had gotten, how cute he was, how funny was his hair splayed in all directions, and than that crooked smile that turned into a shy “oh no you’re looking at me” look.

At that moment I fell in love with him all over again.

My life’s new tag line

June 25th, 2009

Once again I found myself at baseball last night, our new beloved pastime.  I sat on the bleachers with my in-laws, PJ running about the park with her new girlie friends and KP trying his hardest to find someone who would give him money to feed his candy addiction.  Lucky enough, Papa was there to give the kid 25 cents.

After his injection of neon green icee that spilled all over his white shirt and a spattering of drool from the bright blue airhead juice, he sat down in the dirt and dust of the ball park to pull some weeds, that turned into a bouquet for me.

He brought them over and climbed up into my lap.  He looked down at the mess that was all over himself and said, “Mom, I need a bath.”

I responded, “Oh, we’ll get you all cleaned up tomorrow at swim lessons.”

The mom sitting next to me burst out laughing and said, “Well…at least you have a plan!”

Summer is for the dogs

June 9th, 2009

Seriously…what else do you do during the summer then get dressed up with your cousin, put a leash on your little brother and then walk him like a dog.

Last Day of School

June 5th, 2009

Ohhh they can’t wait for this day to be done.  Do you remember the excitement?

This one can’t wait for the end of the year paper fight on the bus.

This one is struggling with what to do for the end of the year talent show: singing, dancing, jokes.  Who is to say.  But she was dressed and ready to go by 6:45 sharp.

This one is ready for anything, as always.

Let summer officially begin…I’m thinking Gin and tonics.

Half right most of the time

June 4th, 2009

Like I said yesterday, KP gets about 90% of everything 50% correct.  I am not sure if he just isn’t listening, if he can’t hear or if he just doesn’t care.  I’m sure it is bits and pieces of both.  Regardless, when he get’s it wrong, it is always 100% funny.

The following is a conversation that took place when I was taking one of his friends home from a playdate.

Jack:  Hey, there’s our school.

KP:  Yeah.  Where are you going to school next year?

Jack:  I’m going to Mrs. Kalotski’s class.  Are you going there?

KP:  No, I’m going to Chin Chin Acadamy.

Jack:  What language will you be talking in?

KP:  Chin Chin.

Me:  Chinese!  You will be learning Chinese.

KP:  Oh yeah, Chinese.

Jack:  Will you only speak Chinese?

KP:  No, I will use this voice AND speak Chinese.

Fuzzy Wuzzy

May 29th, 2009

He is coming as fast as he can to tell his friends to stay away from this kid.  He eats them for breakfast.

Last in the long line

May 22nd, 2009

Today was it, the last day of preschool for KP.

We, our family, has been going to this preschool for six solid years.  We have gotten to know the teachers well and they have gotten to know us and our kids, each one of them with their very own special personalities.

And on the last day I realized KP had no idea what was going on.  We never really talked about it, it just came. In fact it came so fast that I did not give it too much thought.

The group gift was purchased, I gave my money and then this morning I thought I should maybe do something a little extra special SINCE WE HAVE BEEN WITH THEM FOR SIX YEARS.  I thought maybe a plant, a nice thoughtful note, something…extra.

Instead I did nothing and when it came time to leave at the end of the day after the wonderful slide show, the handing out of certificates and the picnic, KP didn’t even want to get his picture taken with his teachers.

It was almost like walking out of school and just telling everyone to SUCK IT!

I guess he’s ready to move on.


May 15th, 2009

Dear KP,

What a year.  How much you have accomplished, how big you have become and how wonderful it is to be with you.

You are chalk-full of life, you take it by the tail, whip it around and squeeze EVERY last bit out of it.

You certainly know what you like, who you want to play with and what you want to do.  No need to argue, you know.

If it’s not nailed down, whatever it is, you will break it.  The million year old fossil your brother gave you today…I give it one week.

Not so much because you are destructive, ok you ARE destructive, but you are also very curious.  What will happen if I break this fossil in half?  Do I get two?

You love like there is no tomorrow.  You hug like it will be our last.  And you are learning to be oh so patient.  You got it down to a point, but once we’ve teetered over the edge, everyone knows to step back or the same amount of loving intensity comes flying out in a very negative way.

Your little face and eyes are filled with so much expression you wouldn’t need to utter a single word, but you do, lots of them in a cute, funny, husky little voice.

I can’t believe you are five.  My baby, who is no baby, who has not been a baby for a very long time, is five.

This upcoming year will be filled with so many amazing experiences for you.  I can’t wait to see what you do with them.

I love you my littlest big boy.  Have a brilliant day.

Happy Birthday!



Here it is…

April 2nd, 2009

The blue ball of wonder that I will eat ALL GONE!


Quote of the day

March 12th, 2009

I walked into the house from taking the dog for a walk and KP comes running towards me yelling, “Moooommmm, I had to take a shower…I PEED ON MY FACE!”

I’m so glad I wasn’t here for that.