Slightly Misty

June 3rd, 2010

Today was KP’s last day of school. He hopped right on that bus ready to get the day moving and be done with school and ready for summer.

As he stood there, I couldn’t believe my littlest one was now done with Kindergarten.

He has gotten so big and learned so much.

How he made it through Chinese Kindergarten is beyond me…but he did, and he did well.

And he even enjoyed it, just the littlest bit.

Way to go buddy!

Track practice

May 24th, 2010

When the only thing you have is an open field and your little brother…why not hurdle him?


May 21st, 2010

Is what KP yelled to the 11 year old batter as he stood in the bleachers at CT’s Little League baseball game last night.

And no, no he has not gotten kicked out of the ball field YET.

6…6…pick up sticks, and anything else you can get your hands on

May 15th, 2010

Dear KP,

Today you are six!

You are my baby, who has not been a baby for such a long time.  You have grown so much this past year, not only your physical appearance but in your emotion state as well.

You are an amazingly funny kid that bring so much joy and laughter to this house.

You don’t match your socks, you prefer your hair sticking up, you love squirling things away under your bed, you hate sleeping alone in your room without your brother, you love having things in your pockets and hanging things from your belt, you now kind of like Chinese, you are very loud, you love movies and TV and your DS, you love Lucy and worms and turtles and caterpillars, you just learned to ride a two wheeler and had your first big wipe out, you have an amazing imagination that takes you far far away from here and you certainly know how to love, love with all your might.

When you give me a hug, it is like I am the only person there in that moment when you hang on and squeeze.

Here is a little gift to you.  Your 5 year photo project we have been working on all year. In all good third kid style, I am a bit behind and not all 365 photos are up yet, but I am darn close.

It has been so much fun watching you grow this past year.  I love you my boy.  I can’t wait to see what is in store next.

Happy 6th Birthday.



Last day of being 5

May 14th, 2010

How can this be?  Tomorrow my baby turns 6!

Our Future

May 11th, 2010

At the dinner table tonight, we talked about what the kids would choose to be if they had to choose their occupations RIGHT NOW.

CT said an architect or an astronaut.

PJ said an artist.


Yeah, we’ll see who picked right!

Where’s NuNu?

March 21st, 2010


February 25th, 2010

Yesterday, after school, KP was in a pile on the floor crying.

I walked up to him to ask what was wrong and it was pretty clear by looking at him that he couldn’t get his jeans on.  He seemed to need new ones because somehow he peed on the old pants he was wearing.


Me:  This is not big deal buddy, the zipper is just up already.  Let’s pull the zipper down and it will be easier to put your pants on.

KP:  Standing there looking mad at me and the world and his pants.

Me:  Ummm, KP, how many pairs of underwear do you have on?

KP:  A smile moving across his face. Let me see, one, two, three, four.  I have four!

Me:  Why do you have four pairs on?

KP:  Because my pants are always too big.

Night time prayers

February 12th, 2010

Last night as KP was finishing up his prayers, he ended with, “and I hope Grandpa is comfy up in heaven.”

The first of many

January 2nd, 2010

My kids are loud.

My kids are not puzzle-doers, they are more like WWF wrestlers.

Here they are wrestling.

Here’s what was said after this picture was taken:


CT:  You’re not bleeding, you lost your tooth.  I found it on the floor.

And so it goes…my baby boy lost his first tooth.

It got wrestled out of him.