20 months…yesterday
There are some moments in your life KP, that as the third child, you may find I might just forget, or I might just run out of time, or I might just run out of energy or patience or maybe I’ll just be a day late.
You may also find that all those things I just mentioned may turn into positives instead of negatives. You will and do get away with things that I would have never allowed CT or PJ to do.
How peculiar birth order is and how it molds so much more than I ever thought possible.
The past few weeks you have started calling me “mommy” (like the other kids), not mama. You have wanted to sit in PJ’s booster seat, instead of your highchair. You want to go to bed and read stories with the big kids, not by yourself. You want gum when the big kids get it. You want to watch Star Wars and Madagascar and Cinderella. You want nothing to do with baby toys and everything to do with toys well beyond your age range, especially things that are sure to kill you if you put them in your mouth.
All at once, you are becoming easier and harder to handle. You are my baby who is becoming a big boy.
I love you little big boy. Happy 20 months.
Rag doll or baby?
This clearly displays why daddy is more fun than mommy.
Mommy would never chuck baby three feet into the air over and over and over again.
19 months
You’ve moved on. You think you’re big. You don’t like tops on your sippy-cups. You insist on walking up and down the stairs. You want to sit on the highest stools, with no backs, that we have. You want to work on the laptop, on top of the highest stools that we have. You are always in the fray. You love playing chase, eating the tops off markers, falling down, being read to. You squeal with delight when your big brother comes home from school. You’re words are coming fast and furious like bees running from their hive. You, my baby boy, are becoming so big.
I love you!
Filed under KP | Comment (0)18 months
Dear KP,
At this point in our relationship, I have totally fallen head over heals in love with you.
You with your green eyes and funny dance and sassy words with fingers waging and arms always ready for hugging and little hands always reaching up to something you shouldn’t be reaching. You my dear are something else. I find myself taking in every ounce of you. Never wanting to look away for fear I might miss something.
You have stolen my heart. I love you so.
Filed under KP | Comment (0)Foliage
We took our annual trip to the Arboretum last week. There is something so breathtakingly wonderful about leaves that are bursting with such color that you can have whole back drops of yellow, orange or red just with the turn of your head.
The most exciting part of this year’s trip was a lesson in poisonous and non-poisonous berries. KP decided to pick-up and eat a delightfully round red berry, then proceeded to throw-up all over himself.
We hiked around to find the nearest arborist, just to get a little clarification on if my small child was going to die or not. We handed the arborist the sample berry. He took a bite, then told the on looking children “don’t ever do this ok?” and as they shook their heads he looked as me and said, “Oh, he’ll be fine, it’s just some form of crabapple.”
Good pickn’ little buddy. But next time, let’s leave the berries on the GROUND!
Filed under KP | Comment (0)17 months
Oh little big boy. How big you have become in one short month. You want so badly to do everything the big kids do. You want so badly to keep up. In fact, you do a pretty good job.
From walking to talking to eating to sleeping you let everyone know what you need or what you want, all with the shake of your head.
You love to dance. You love the cats. You love to walk. You love Sesame Street. You love the remote and the phone. You love your daddy. You love your shoes and your binki. You love hugs and blowing kisses. You love it all; well…you don’t love it when PJ swipes a toy out of your hand. And then, do we ever hear about it.
We LOVE you!
Baby got new shoes
If either of the other two kids gets a hold of this information I am sure it will come back to haunt me, but I did it anyway. I bought a FULL price designer brand shoe for my third child’s first pair of shoes.
I know, stop…I can’t believe I did it either.
I’m not sure what came over me. The other two certainly never got full price shoes. They may have gotten fancy-shmancy Italian made shoes, but only at a deeply discounted rate. Usually they came from Target and were made out of plastic, unable to breathe and stiff as boards, making it even more of a challenge to walk than without the shoe.
It’s not that I think KP deserves better than the other two. It’s just, it’s just, it’s just…his feet are like blocks; they are as wide, as they are long, as they are high and cramming him into a pair of cheap shoes just doesn’t seem right.
So, viva la fat feet. Enjoy your size 5-extra wides while you can and DO NOT get use to this type of luxury. I have a whole bin of CT’s old narrow shoes with your name on’em.
Filed under KP | Comment (0)16 months
Sweet big baby boy,
Oh how you have grown in just the last month. You now can walk (kinda like a penguin on lots of ice) and talk (like you’ve got marbles in your mouth) and dare I say it…hit (like Mike Tyson, ok not that hard but at least as hard as PJ). You hug those you love and glower at those you don’t. You have attitude and opinions. You know songs and words and signs. You are so proud!
The world around you is filling you up and it is wonderful to watch.
I love you,
Filed under KP | Comment (0)Drum roll please
With great encouragement from his older brother and a spatula in his hand, KP took his first solo steps today!
Way to go little buddy.
We are having technical difficulty with uploading photos but once we get that hammered out you will get to see him in all his glory trudging through the world on those short stocky little legs of his.
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