The ready position
The holiday just isn’t complete without whipped cream shots.
Filed under KP | Comment (0)What fish does this look like to you?
As he was shoving his face with noodles, he was yelling, “JELLYFISH, JELLYFISH!”
I would have not EVER guessed that.
Filed under KP | Comment (0)You have a diaper on, USE IT
Two weekends ago PJ was throwing up. This past weekend CT and KP started throwing up and then they followed up with a residual bout of diarrhea.
KP was kind enough to barf allover himself, his bed, his floor and his pillow last night around 1 am. I walked in to see him and realized he decided to throw his puke encrusted pillow across the room, which sprinkled cold wet chunks all over the floor that were felt but not seen in the dark.
He awoke a second time at 2:30 am due to what he calls “coughing”. I cleaned he and his bed back up and as soon as I laid him down he told me he had to go potty. You see, he has taken to toileting himself as of late. This was exciting last week. Today, it is not.
Every 10 minutes the entire day the kid had been on the toilet, throwing his diaper off and amazingly making it to the toilet in time. The up side of this…he may toilet trail himself due to diarrhea. The down side…I put him to bed and hour and a half ago and he has been on and off the toilet ever since.
Filed under KP | Comment (0)Annual monkey challenge
For KP’s second birthday I bought him a blue t-shirt with the word MONKEY on the chest and a split banana peel underneath. It was way more than I would ever spend on any t-shirt for myself, but I couldn’t resist, it fit him so well in EVERY way.
The other night as I was flipping through one of the many magazines we have been receiving this holiday season, I found it…next year’s birthday present.
And just like that a new tradition has been born. I wonder how many years I will be able to dress him in monkey clothes.
Filed under KP | Comment (0)Body art
He thinks he looks like Super Man.
I think it was a bad idea I left him downstairs when I went upstairs to vacuum.
Filed under KP | Comment (0)The TT’s have hit
I am officially calling it…KP has hit the terrible twos. It doesn’t matter that he is 2 ½, it is here. My sweet funny little man has successfully turned nasty.
Each one of the kids hit their ultimate rottenness at different times. PJ started at 18 months and it lasted until she was 3. CT breezed right threw his second year without a problem and on his third birthday, he became an asshole, however it only lasted 6 months.
I found this “new” behavior funny at the beginning of the week. But today, when he ran out the gym door, down the hallway and almost into the street with no mom, no shoes and no coat, he got punished and that made him very mad.
The punishment was light, I wouldn’t put his shoes on his feet and I wouldn’t let him walk to the car by himself. So he screamed and screamed and screamed all the way to the car, while being buckled into the car seat (landing a few slaps to mom’s face) and then all the way home, which took 20 minutes. He wasn’t just screaming nonsense. He totally communicated his feelings and his feelings were:
Can’t you just feel the love?
Filed under KP | Comment (0)Wonder
There have been several moments this fall when I have caught KP standing and staring at something that seems magical to him, like leaves falling down off the trees and rushing around him, full moons dangling in the night time sky and this little puff that just happened to land right on his arm.
These are the moments, that as an adult, you get to live all over again through the eyes of your own child…and how wonderful those moments are when you take the time to just sit back and look.
Filed under KP | Comment (0)End of an era
This past weekend we got to hang-out up north with some friends and all of our kids. The breakdown looks like this: 4 adults, 6 kids (1-6 year old, 2-4 year olds, 1-2 year old and 2 twin 1 year olds). We kept all the kids but the twins in the same room for purposes of sleeping, with everyone on the floor but KP who was in a pack-n-play.
He quickly realized he was big enough to jump out of the pack-n-play and for the rest of the weekend I would find him in places he shouldn’t be once he had escaped from his sleeping pod. The best was when I peeked in on the napping twins to find KP kick’n it in the crib WITH THE TWINS.
As PJ and I were enjoying watching Meredith and Matt this morning with my first of several cups of very strong coffee, CT and KP walked into the room.
Me: Heeeellooooow boys.
CT: Mom…mom…it’s so great!!! KP can get in and out of his crib HIMSELF.
Me: You didn’t help him at all?
Me: He can get in and out and you did not help him at all?
CT: Mom, mom…I didn’t help him at all. Mom, it’s soooooo great!
And as great as it was to see how proud he was of his little brother and how proud KP looked as his older brother told me of his great accomplishment, what no one but a parent realizes is so how NOT great that is.
Filed under KP | Comment (0)3 stitches in time
Saturday he got beat-up by a teeter totter.