Development of fear
Over the last two days KP has gotten older. He now has fear.
It started when he barrowed Barn Yard from the neighbors. The babysitter had to turn it off because he was so scared. He has NEVER turned away from anything having to do with a movie or any type of TV watching, ever. This is a kid who has seen the Star Wars Trilogy over and over again (I’m so proud to say). And suddenly, fear is seeping into his world.
Today as we were driving in the car he asked about Nemo (almost every conversation he has is in relationship to a movie) and how Nemo can talk in the water but not out of the water.
I first explained that Nemo is just a character in a movie and that fish don’t really talk. Then we talked about fish living in water and how they can’t live on land like we do because they don’t breathe air.
Then he asked about the fish at the cabin and the fish he caught. I told him that they don’t talk either and they need to stay in their home in the water or they won’t live.
He sat quietly for a moment while the synapses fired. Then he starts yelling, “I not fish at cabin again and kill those fishes. I not fish no more!“
I love it when they get this far.
Filed under KP | Comment (0)Hey…check out my Rock Bass!
We were up at a friend’s cabin this past weekend and ooohhhh the fun that was had with nine kids, six adults and too many fish to count.
KP had to sit and wait on the boat for his turn to fish. He waited until seven of the nine went before him (turns went by age, oldest first).
And what did he do you ask? He pulled out the largest catch of the day, on his first try.
Filed under KP | Comment (0)This morning’s argument
KP: Mama, boy’s have penises girls have butts.
Me: Boy’s have penises and girls have vaginas.
KP: NO, PJ has a penis and a butt.
Me: Nope, PJ has a vagina, she is a girl. But you are right about the butt.
I simply stop talking. There is no reason to go on. I DO NOT need to win this one.
Filed under KP | Comment (0)Do you know what Bobs are?
I saw an old high school classmate at a Nana’s gathering with all the Grandmother’s and their grandkids and witnessed this woman with her almost three year old twins and her nine month old. The twins…totally potty trained.
That’s when the light went on. I said to myself, let’s do this deal, let’s release me from babydom all together, let’s get big boy on your ass. Actually, I knew it was time; the kid puts on his own diaper.
So we kicked off two weeks ago and the whole deal has actually gone rather swimmingly.
During week one KP got a sticker on his potty chart anytime he “tinkled”. Yes, tinkled is our family term for urinate. If he got to 20 stamps we got to go to the store and buy his very own underwear. You see he had been wearing his brother’s old Bob the Builder underwear. And would you really expect anything else than siblings sharing old underwear from me?
In about three days we set off to the store. What kind of underwear did he pick? Sponge Bob. And now, it doesn’t matter if there are dinos, cars or various Bob’s on the underwear, KP calls all underwear BOBS. Even mine.
Filed under KP | Comment (0)Car Talk
KP and I got to spend some delicious alone time together today. CT and PJ were off doing BIG KID things with their Nana. He didn’t seem to be mind being stuck with me, in fact; he was excited to have his mommy all to himself.
During one of our car rides today we had the following conversation:
KP: Mama, do horses have eggs?
Me: No sweetie, horses have baby horses called calves. Just like people give birth to babies, horses give birth to calves. They don’t lay eggs.
KP: And they come out their butts?
Me: Well…they come out of what is called the vagina, which is by the butt.
KP: Oooohh, then then then when I a dinosaur and you’re a dinosaur I be a egg and you put me in your gina.
Me: Silence.
Filed under KP | Comment (1)So here’s the deal
That three year old I own, he’s trouble. So much trouble in fact that I might sell him to the gypsies. The one drawback…since he has brown eyes he won’t fetch as much as the blue eyed ones, but I guess that’s ok.
This child has complete disregard for what you say to him. Completely follows his own path whenever and to wherever he damn well pleases. Hits when he is dissed. Sings waaaay too loudly at the table while dinning. Wears long pants and his favorite long sleeved red shirt that he refers to as “my red shirt with something on it” (that “something” is buttons) in 80 degree weather. And then to top it off, he has started calling people Mr. Pots when he is angry because he has been told (and listened once) he can’t call people Stinky Pot Pies anymore.
The ax is dropping little one you best hang on to your hat and then fall in line.
Filed under KP | Comment (0)Kid quote of the day
Mommmmmm, when I open the worms body…he he he poops on me.
Filed under KP | Comment (0)Shearing of the baby lamb
It is an annual “spring time” tradition that the boys go out back and Adam shaves them down.
KP didn’t want any part of this.
But good thing we did…that tick was easier to spot.
And here he is in all his summer glory…
Filed under KP | Comment (0)Birthday Boy
Dear KP,
Where do I begin? I’m not sure I can even express in words the joy you give to those around you.
Your smile, your laugh, your funny faces, your memorized movie quips, your loud and deep drawn out voice, your constant motion, your lingering loving hugs and your humor are infectious. You whirl everywhere you go and do everything with great gusto.
I couldn’t imagine life without you. Thank you for all your insanity. It is maddening and charming all at the same time.
May the next year of your life be filled with adventure, wonder and fabulous surprises.
Happy, Happy, Happy 3rd Birthday.
I love you.
Filed under KP | Comment (0)The name game
Yesterday KP and I were at the running store looking for gear. He, of course, was running about with reckless abandon. One of the sales ladies asked him if he would build a Lego tower with her, to ensure at least a small sale instead of only a clean up in the running shoe isle.
They sat down and started to build.
Sales lady: So, do you have any brother’s or sisters?
KP: Yes, I have a CT and a PJ.
Sales lady: Ohhh, hmmm, I’m trying to figure out…are those cats or dogs?
KP: CT is brother and PJ is sister.
Sales lady: They’re not pets?
Me: (calling out from the running shorts rack) No, those are his siblings.
Sales lady: Oh my, I’m sooooo embarrassed.
Me: Don’t worry about it.
Sales lady: Well, so what is your name?
Sales lady: Now really, that can’t be your name.
Me: Oh yes, it really is.
Sales lady: Now I’m really embarrassed.
I should have told her about our experience at another store when CT was little. I’m sure she would have felt that her slip wasn’t anywhere near as offensive as asking a three month old baby, “Now why on earth would your parents EVER name you that?”
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