What a weekend…
Birthday dinner out with jewels from Erika.
The Spring Sheering
First Communion #2
Half Marathon
PJ’s 6th Birthday Party
And then…and then I slept really well. Only to be woken up by PJ’s new hamster in the middle of the night running and running and running on it’s little squeaky wheel FOR HOURS.
The story of the hamster to come later.
Filed under CT, current events, friends, KP, Pictures, PJ, races, running | Comment (1)Big Boy Bed
It has finally happened…the ALMOST four year old baby of the family got his very own BIG BOY BED.
I can’t believe it.
The babies are gone.
The cribs are put away along with the rocking chairs, the bottles, the teeny tiny baby outfits and the sweet warm breath of the newborn.
They all have suddenly crossed over. Crossed over from babies into big, tall, loud hooligans that joke and sing and fight and tease and laugh and laugh and laugh.
The beauty in all this…I wouldn’t go back nor would I change it for the world.
Onward big kids!
What NO three-year-old should know
While we were in the car today KP said to me, “Mom, Indiana Jones and Luke Skywalker’s friend, the one with the vest…they have the same voice.”
I will thank my wonderful husband for imparting such wisdom to my small, precious, malleable, and purest of snow youngest son.
Filed under Adam, KP | Comment (0)Hair Genetics
All three of my kids have different types of hair.
CT has a TON of hair that is thick, wavy and beads off water like a Labrador. PJ on the other hand, still has a lot of hair, but it is very soft and straight. Now KP, he lost the genetic hair gamble. He has hair that doesn’t look like it ever really came in all the way, is very thin and almost dry looking, sticks out all over the place and is pin straight.
Every time I bring him into get his haircut I shutter to think of how he will look walking out because he usually ends up looking like he has a floating hair piece on. By now you now I don’t feel too strongly about my children looking coiffed, perfect or like they have just walked off the pages of a magazine. I’m just lucky if I get their hair combed and their teeth brushed.
His hair has been so crazy as of late that I just stopped combing it all together, it gave him a funny little attitude and actually goes with his personality. Ok, I’m not even sure what the hell that means, but it makes sense none the less (that’s why I added the photos).
Today we had nothing better to do in the still freezing Minnesota winter so we took a long needed trip to the barber. He sits in the chair and the hairstylist says to me, “Mom, what are we going to do today?” I laugh and tell her I have no idea. Then I explain how I don’t want him to look like he has a toupee or like his hair is just floating on top of his head and attached with tape which is what they normally do to him.
She gives him a look over, pulls his hair up, messes it up and pushes it around, then tells me he needs to grow it. She continues to asses his head and his cowlicks that are ALL over. I made some joke about him not winning the family hair lottery and she laughs and says it is pretty hard when your hair line starts HALF WAY UP YOUR HEAD.
So she cleaned it up and left me with the instruction of not growing it into a mullet and not growing it too long where he looks like a girl. With that sage advice we were off and when Adam came home he said, “Did KP get his haircut today? He looks like Moe.”
I guess we’ll keep trying!
Fashion forward
Presenting…The Magnificent Bastard 2027!
Filed under Adam, KP | Comment (0)Sweet little baby
KP has not been napping for months now. He still takes an hour of quiet time in his room just to get his bearings but the eyes are never shut, the mouth never stops talking and the little brain just continues to spin and spin and spin.
Last week he fell asleep twice. I’m not sure if it is because he is fighting off Adam’s cold or if he is going through a growth spurt or if he was just tuckered out from all his out of the box creative quiet time set up.
But today, as I read him his stories, he laid his head on my chest. As I read his little body relaxed. With every word his breaths became deeper, his head became heavier and his whole being just melted into mine.
Oh so sweet little boy. You haven’t done that since you were a teeny tiny baby. Thank you.
Filed under KP | Comment (0)The smoke shop
My dad taught me how to tell time in a bar. Lord knows what he taught KP during his smoke shop visit.
Filed under Dad, KP | Comments (4)Ready for action captain
Here he is…the littlest one to fly the coupe.
So ready and so excited for his first day of preschool.
Not a problem in the world today. He took school by storm and then sang me a song and showed me all the things he did.
We both had a wonderful morning.
Filed under KP, school | Comment (0)Raised by wolves (or a 5 & 7 year old)
It has only taken me one day to figure out that I have done KP a complete disservice by having him third in the line up. However, it’s not like there is anything I could really do about it.
You see, after he came along, it was all about keeping my head above water. So the other two played with him and taught him “stuff” and cut him a bunch of slack for being the baby. And me, well hell, I just let it go unless someone was bleeding.
And now…now this kid is in for 100% mama. It might be a little hard toeing the company line in the beginning, you know things like: not hitting, not ripping books to shreds, not putting play dough in the baby pool, not licking cds, not helping clean up around the house, not wanting to wear big boy pants, not chewing dart tops off and spitting the pieces up all over the family room, not using your words, stuff like that.
Well it’s over my little pretty, because now I have nothing but time FOR YOU!
Filed under KP | Comment (1)