Couldn’t you have picked a different one?
Magazines. I love magazines. They are one of those things that I think are a luxury, a treat, a non essential.
I purchase them very rarely and when I do I am usually going on a trip or feeling the need to indulge myself.
Today, while at the grocery store with KP tucked into one of those little car carts that the grocery stores now have (if you have never seen one, they are small plastic cars that sit in front of a smaller than regular sized grocery cart and put your child at the perfect height for all the marketers to grab their attention with sugar cereals and also allow your child to reach everything and anything they want while you are a whole cart behind them and can’t stop the onslaught of pasta whipping off the shelves) we picked up all that we needed for tonight’s dinner and headed to the check out lane without incident.
Once it was our turn to check out, the cashier turned the cart around to get all of our goods and put KP staring straight back out into the store. Once he was placed in the ready position, he at once spotted the bags of cookies, the candy and the gum and as he was trying to get out at the wonderful new tasty treats just set before him, he reaches out and grabs hold of the closest things to help him escape…the newest edition of Midwest Living.
Then a loud ripping noise was heard by all 8 lanes of shoppers. Then, as if in slow motion, I pick up the magazine that I would never buy, bypassing O, People, Real Simple, Time, Bon Appetit, and hand it to the cashier and say, “I guess I will buy this now too.”
She just looked at me with a sad little smile on her face and shook her head yes.
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