What the hell happened to Secret Regular Scent?
There is something seriously wrong here. The Secret people have pulled all the Regular Scent off the shelves.
Oh, that doesn’t sound like a big deal to you? Let me tell you something punk, my sensitive armpits breakout in an itchy fine red rash if I get anywhere near Glacier Mist or Powder Fresh or any scent from the Sparkle Collection (I don’t know what dumb ass thought of having your arm pits sparkle, but that person deserves a kick in the teeth).
Anyway, where the hell is it? I now am relegated to wearing Unscented. Do you know what unscented means to a mother of three whose hormones clearly turned the stink valve “on” when The Menace was born?
This is so uncool, unfair and clearly uncalled for. I can’t be the only woman wearing it?
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I was just thinking the very same thing. I want it back. I hate it when I find something I love and it goes away. And with no SUITABLE replacement.
What the hell did happen to regular scent secret. Whytake off the shelf. I loved it, now i can’t find it anywhere. It was my fav. Bring it back
Hallelujah! I know I’m not crazy! There are other people who don’t need 85 ‘flavors’ (or scents, as the case may be) of a certain product! SHEESH! Our ‘marketers’ are out of control! Give me the ‘classic!’ Can’t stand these scents parading as this, that and the other. By the way, I have this problem with toothpaste, potato chips and a myriad of other products, including worship style at church! SHEESH! We have too many choices!