15 Months
Oh little big boy.
You are so luscious at 15 months.
You are chubby.
You have great curls and big hazel eyes.
You give everyone disapproving looks if they look at you.
You stick you lower lip waaaay out right before you start to cry.
You say maaaamaaa and dada and other babble, babble, babble.
You have eight teeth.
You are getting your one year molars.
You just started crawling on your knees.
You revert back to the KP stroke swim (right arm and left big toe) when you really want to get somewhere fast.
You throw food off your tray when you are done eating, and laugh when I say NO.
You love finding my toothbrush and chewing on it.
You love chasing the cats.
You love your big brother and sister.
You love going up, up and up the stairs again and again and again.
You love grabbing your penis when I change your diaper.
You enjoy walking around objects and will sometimes let go, but only briefly.
You take one nap in the afternoon.
You could take two, if your mean mom would let you.
You don’t like vegetables.
You love fruit and protein.
You prefer to stay-up verses going to bed.
You are my little joy, my littlest boy.
I love you, I love you, I love you.
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