Catching a moment

May 13th, 2013

When the bustling of the morning is happening, dishes clanking, dogs barking, cars leaving, everyone readying for the day, then I turn and look…

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and he has found his own bit of solitude.

Double sticks

May 2nd, 2013

Dear PJ,
11…tween…spicy…smart…cute… feisty…hard as nails and fragile as a soft petal all in one. Yeah, that about sums it up.












I love watching you grow. Your petite frames creates a facade of gentle and delicate all the while masking the dynamite inside.

Dad and I only slightly joke that someday you will cut across the lands and oceans, stand tall, and rule China.












You amaze me on a daily basis.

Honestly, you scare me to death.

You challenge me to my very core and then you love so deep it’s sometimes hard to keep an even keel.










How very blessed we are to have you in our lives. May this year be filled with all sorts of epic domination.

Happy 11th Birthday!

Love Mom.
