To tap the app

April 22nd, 2011

I like checking out my horoscope and tap my taro card reading on a daily basis.  I mean why not?  It’s not like I really believe what it says, it is more about the frivolity of it.

However, this morning, my taro card reading was so foul you would think that this was the day I was going to die.  It spoke of how I was going to be overly explosive, that I should work alone because I would basically piss off any one that came into a 10 foot radius of me and that anything I touch on the work front would turn to shit .  Of course it goes on to talk about your love life, it said mine was in the tank, seriously doomed and that there was no way of righting any of it today.

I decided to hit the “Shuffle & Redraw” button.

Oh, so much better.

One Response to “To tap the app”

  1. margot on May 4, 2011 9:57 pm

    good job on raising such a terrific gal! she’s got a lot going for her.

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