Downhill from here

March 22nd, 2011

As far as Boston marathon training goes, we have just left the hardest training week in our wake.  That last week was a mighty tough one for me.  Finding myself with little desire to run on two of the five days is never a good sign and my body felt like it was breaking down under all of it.

If you find an extra hamstring laying around, I will gladly take it and find someone to replace my left one.

As a little pep me up, my coach shifted my interval workout from today to Thursday to help with my aged legs, that I am asking a lot of, and then told us that we really only have about 5 key workouts left, so stay the course!

We have 3 interval runs and 2 progression runs.  Which sounds nice.  Right?  The interval runs this week are 10 x 800s, next week 12 x 800s and the following 14 x 800s all at 6:20 to 6:30 pace with 1:40 rest between each one.  Since I am basically speed sensored, stride legnth senored and cadence sensored to my coach, there is no way of getting around these workouts, only going through them.

These are the kind of workouts that can make you crumple into a heap and cry, they can make you wonder what the fuck you got a coach for, they make all the negative things you ever thought about your abilities well up right before your eyes, they make your mind numb and then they allow you to evaluate how much time you can actually tolerate in your pain cave.

At this point, on the way down the hill, it’s all about keeping your shit together, all the way through to the bitter end.

2 Responses to “Downhill from here”

  1. Whitney on March 22, 2011 10:39 pm

    Now when you talk about your pain cave, I think about prehistoric cave drawings. There were a lot of drawings of cavemen running after food and food running after the cavemen, right? I hope you’re making some caveman drawings while you’re in there. 🙂

  2. admin on March 23, 2011 5:26 am

    I’ve redecorated my pain cave since last year. It’s more like the interior of the “I dream of Jeannie” bottle. Then I add in all my favorite things that could possibly keep me there for the longest period of time. It’s such a party in there.

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