Antsy feelings
The sink was left, filled with dishes, ALL day yesterday. Needless to say, by the time I got around to getting them into the dishwasher, there were little ants crawling all around the kitchen counter and sink.
I am pretty sure God has a great plan for ants, but whenever I encounter them, either in an enormous ant hill in the yard or crawling on my counter tops in search of great sweet things I immediately go straight for the jugular.
Now I’m not a killer of animals and I am pretty environmentally conscious but ants, ants I will kill and I get a sick sort or pleasure pouring out the TERRO onto the little paper card and watching them march in, eat their fill and then march home to spread the joy to everyone else in the colony.
This pouring of TERRO usually commences by me saying,”Come here my pretties” and is followed by a very very wicked cackle.
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