I’m so nice I might just stab them
Late last night I took Lucy for a walk around the neighborhood. As I crested the hill I noticed a mini van that was parked on the street and someone had left all the internal lights on.
I stood there for a second thinking, should I go knock on the door and tell them their lights are on because every time we leave the mini van lights on it totally kills the battery. No, that would be weird and dark night walker strange. No, it’s a nice thing to do and I would want to know if it was my van. So I walked to the door.
I could tell from standing outside the house that these people were guests who were over for dinner and they were enjoying their time together.
Until I rang the door bell.
Then they all scattered to a back room and waited until I went away to creep back out of the dark where they hide.
Seriously? I so hope that sapped all the juice right out of their battery.
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Wow – Bitter much? Maybe your new haircut will make you more approachable.