Under the bed

November 19th, 2007

I’m not one to store items under the bed.  In fact, it really bothers me.  I like to know it’s clean under there, that there are no scary monsters and no extremely large dust bunnies that might eat away at my toes during the darkness of night.

Today I cleaned under CT’s bed.  Now what you need to realize is that he is not the slob, he shares a room with a slob.  His little brother, the slob.  Or maybe, maybe he is just being three, but it is not like any other three year old I have raised.

KP uses CT’s bed like a squirrel uses a hole in a tree to store and horde his nuts.  He sneaks out of his room during his quiet time and stealthily grabs things from around the house, plays with them, and then tucks them under the bed so I am none the wiser that he has escaped.

Here is a short list of some of the things I found today:

  • An assortment of sea creatures
  • the sea creatures empty container
  • 2 starburst wrappers
  • an ice pack
  • a rotting pumpkin
  • PJ’s lip gloss & eye shadow
  • a hand mirror
  • numerous bath toys
  • a pink hair binder
  • a brush and comb
  • a small beaded purse
  • CT’s Legos
  • a fitness magazine
  • one torn book
  • playdough
  • marbles
  • shredded pieces of someone’s artwork
  • a half used bottle of body wash
  • an old toothbrush
  • a pair of pants, PJ’s and two unmatched socks

What’s under your bed?

3 Responses to “Under the bed”

  1. Jennifer on November 19, 2007 7:46 pm

    ahhh…sadly, coffee cans, plywood and old Reader’s Digest holding up the center of our matress. Also some dust bunnies and cat and dog hair. The dog isn’t even alive anymore. Jen

  2. Erika on November 19, 2007 9:39 pm

    My 3 year old.

  3. Anne Marie on November 20, 2007 10:15 am

    Last Thur/Fri Oprah had a 2-day program on “compulsive horders.” KP is a minimalist compared to ‘Sharon’ who had 75 tons of stuff in her 3,000sf home…including 3,000 pairs of shoes and 3,000 handbags.

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