Shifting expectaions

November 16th, 2007

This is the year, the year where all three of my children are in school.  In my mind I thought I would have the time to get everything done, do things for myself and maybe even just sit still if I was so moved.

But what I have found is that the two days a week that I have a whopping two hours to myself, I can’t live up to what I thought it would be.  The dream of getting it all done in one foul swoop without the interruption of needs has not become a reality.

It’s on days like today, when I am feeling off, crabby and slightly nasty because things on my list are not being checked off the way I want, it’s on days like today where the deepest of breaths is needed, it’s on days like today where a shift needs to occur.

Today, instead of cleaning the closets and getting uptight because KP is unfurling my magnificent piles of summer clothes to be stored for the winter.  Today we will play.  Today we will enjoy our free time.  Today we will find the beauty of the few leaves that are left on the trees and the sun in the sky.  And today together we will enjoy this glorious day.

And this is what we decided to do!

Tomorrow I can get the rest of it done.

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