Raised by wolves (or a 5 & 7 year old)
It has only taken me one day to figure out that I have done KP a complete disservice by having him third in the line up. However, it’s not like there is anything I could really do about it.
You see, after he came along, it was all about keeping my head above water. So the other two played with him and taught him “stuff” and cut him a bunch of slack for being the baby. And me, well hell, I just let it go unless someone was bleeding.
And now…now this kid is in for 100% mama. It might be a little hard toeing the company line in the beginning, you know things like: not hitting, not ripping books to shreds, not putting play dough in the baby pool, not licking cds, not helping clean up around the house, not wanting to wear big boy pants, not chewing dart tops off and spitting the pieces up all over the family room, not using your words, stuff like that.
Well it’s over my little pretty, because now I have nothing but time FOR YOU!
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Ha…why (after reading so many humorous entries that I can directly relate to) does this one make me laugh the hardest?