Development of fear

August 17th, 2007

Over the last two days KP has gotten older.  He now has fear.

It started when he barrowed Barn Yard from the neighbors.  The babysitter had to turn it off because he was so scared. He has NEVER turned away from anything having to do with a movie or any type of TV watching, ever.  This is a kid who has seen the Star Wars Trilogy over and over again (I’m so proud to say).  And suddenly, fear is seeping into his world.

Today as we were driving in the car he asked about Nemo (almost every conversation he has is in relationship to a movie) and how Nemo can talk in the water but not out of the water. 

I first explained that Nemo is just a character in a movie and that fish don’t really talk.  Then we talked about fish living in water and how they can’t live on land like we do because they don’t breathe air.

Then he asked about the fish at the cabin and the fish he caught.  I told him that they don’t talk either and they need to stay in their home in the water or they won’t live.

He sat quietly for a moment while the synapses fired.  Then he starts yelling, “I not fish at cabin again and kill those fishes.  I not fish no more!

I love it when they get this far.

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