July 3rd, 2007

Wow, not sure what just happened in that time warp but here we are again.

Let’s see…right now in my life it is 6:11 pm. I am in the midst of baking star cookies for the 4th of July festivities, I am microwaving a sweet potato, drinking red wine and listening to Ryan Adam’s new album Easy Tiger.

Have you ever imagined something bad before it acutely happened? I’m talking silly things, like falling off your bike as you’re going down a hill right before you bomb a VERY LARGE HILL or your kids getting killed when our parents take them on a day long adventure…that kind of stuff.

Well, I have it a lot. Please don’t think I am psychic because 99.9% of the time it never happens. But today, as I was holding that sweet potato in my hand and stabbing it with a really sharp pairing knife so I could microwave it and not have it explode, my inner self told me that was a dumb thing to do (which it was) and in that nano-second I envisioned the knife stabbing me in the fleshy part of my palm and then a nano-second later…right into the fleshy part of my hand goes that sharp knife.

Maybe I am part psychic, better yet, somewhere deep inside I do actually have an intuition and that intuition is to not do stupid things.

Or maybe better yet, don’t drink red wine and wield sharp knifes.

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