Is that you Helen?

July 5th, 2007

Do you have an Inner Voice? One of those little voices inside your head that tells you things, that many times are nasty, not nice or just down right insulting.

Well, funny enough, I do. When I hear The Voice I usually picture a devil on one shoulder and a saint on the other having a conversation. OK, maybe a fight, over me. My Voice has typically not been so nice. It has told me of hardship and failure due to my actions or inactions or my plain old stupidity.

An interesting shift has occurred this summer, my Voice has become, how should I say it…different.

This season of training has been grueling. To any outsider looking in I am sure I seem like a freak that needs to see a psychologist for my exercise addiction. But through this rigorous training I have found kindness within myself, for myself.

I have found my inner self cheering for ME. There is no talk of failure. There is only talk of striving for the best that I can be. My own Voice encouraging me, cheering me on and pushing me.

I really like this new Voice. So much in fact, I’m thinking of naming her.

Any thoughts?

One Response to “Is that you Helen?”

  1. Erika on July 10, 2007 2:55 pm

    Astrid. Or Kathy.

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