Jolly Jingles
When I was CT’s age my brother and I and the rest of the kids in the neighborhood would hop on our bikes, our pockets loaded with change, all in the hopes of buying as much candy as we could possibly carry home. Our destination…Jolly Jingles.
I loved this place. The little white clap board store was about a mile away. It was always and journey just getting there, and then the fun began. We would spend hours there, looking, deciding and trying to figure out what fabulous candy adventures we could have in our mouths for the next week.
This past week Nana brought all the grandchildren out to lunch, to see Charlotte’s Web (which I highly recommend), and then to an old fashioned candy store. I was transported back in time. Everything I set my eyes on reminded me of when I was six; Tangy Taffy, Lick-A-Made, wax bottles filled with some sweet colored substance, candy cigarettes, candy dots, Charleston Chews, and jaw breakers so big I couldn’t even fit a quarter of it in my mouth.
No one could decide what to walk away with. I wanted to stay and look more and tell them all about my candy tales and then share with them my wisdom of which ones they would or wouldn’t like…because, I know my kid candy.
I guess we will just have to go back. This place may be the one spot where they can get ANYTHING they want.
Filed under Random thoughts | Comment (0)Fitness Test
I took the Wii fitness test yesterday. You can only take it once a day. The people in the little box suggest you do it every day to better your Wii little abilities.
It consists of batting practice, hitting tennis balls and trying to keep them within bounds and bowling.
As of January 3rd, 2007 this is where some of us stack up:
CT: 74 Wii years
Adam: 38 Wii years
Mary: 41 Wii years
I guess all I can do is practice, practice, practice.
Filed under Uncategorized | Comment (0)Cheap-skate rock bottom
I now realize I need to find help. I need to find a support group for cheap-asses.
I had to buy a navy blue one piece swimming suit to teach swim lessons in. This really is not too hard. Any store that carries Speedos will most likely carry the generic suit in navy blue.
The problem is that this plain, ugly, navy blue suit is sixty bucks. I don’t even spend that kind of money on a cute swimming suit for the summer where I spend 90% of my day in the sun in the pool with my kids.
That said I tried on a suit that was in my price range. It was $19.99…it was for little kids…a youth size 16…I am so ashamed…I need help…and NO, it did not fit.
Filed under Uncategorized | Comment (0)2007 Resolutions
Live more simply.
Live with less.
Be happy.
May 2007 bring you everything you are looking for.
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