You have a diaper on, USE IT

December 11th, 2006

Two weekends ago PJ was throwing up. This past weekend CT and KP started throwing up and then they followed up with a residual bout of diarrhea.

KP was kind enough to barf allover himself, his bed, his floor and his pillow last night around 1 am. I walked in to see him and realized he decided to throw his puke encrusted pillow across the room, which sprinkled cold wet chunks all over the floor that were felt but not seen in the dark.

He awoke a second time at 2:30 am due to what he calls “coughing”. I cleaned he and his bed back up and as soon as I laid him down he told me he had to go potty. You see, he has taken to toileting himself as of late. This was exciting last week. Today, it is not.

Every 10 minutes the entire day the kid had been on the toilet, throwing his diaper off and amazingly making it to the toilet in time. The up side of this…he may toilet trail himself due to diarrhea. The down side…I put him to bed and hour and a half ago and he has been on and off the toilet ever since.

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