End of an era

October 16th, 2006

This past weekend we got to hang-out up north with some friends and all of our kids. The breakdown looks like this: 4 adults, 6 kids (1-6 year old, 2-4 year olds, 1-2 year old and 2 twin 1 year olds). We kept all the kids but the twins in the same room for purposes of sleeping, with everyone on the floor but KP who was in a pack-n-play.

He quickly realized he was big enough to jump out of the pack-n-play and for the rest of the weekend I would find him in places he shouldn’t be once he had escaped from his sleeping pod. The best was when I peeked in on the napping twins to find KP kick’n it in the crib WITH THE TWINS.

As PJ and I were enjoying watching Meredith and Matt this morning with my first of several cups of very strong coffee, CT and KP walked into the room.

Me: Heeeellooooow boys.
CT: Mom…mom…it’s so great!!! KP can get in and out of his crib HIMSELF.
Me: You didn’t help him at all?
Me: He can get in and out and you did not help him at all?
CT: Mom, mom…I didn’t help him at all. Mom, it’s soooooo great!

And as great as it was to see how proud he was of his little brother and how proud KP looked as his older brother told me of his great accomplishment, what no one but a parent realizes is so how NOT great that is.

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