Dream sequence

August 25th, 2006

Have you ever had a dream that sticks with you even after you have woken up?

On Thursday morning my alarm went off and when I woke up I thought I was still living it. It felt so real and so vivid that it took me a couple minutes to realize it wasn’t reality and then it clung to me for the rest of the day.

In my dream…
My mother and I were standing in a doctor’s office examining room. The doctor and an assistant where standing on one side of the examining table and my mother and I (dressed in an examining gown) where on the other side.

Almost everything in the room, but the print on my examining gown, was white.

The doctor had my file and two petri dishes in front of her. She set down my file, looked at us and said. “I have done your blood and urine work, you have pancreatic caner and you have very little time to live.”

The next thing I am doing is calling my friends and telling them I’m going to die.

That is when the alarm went off.

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