Would you?

July 6th, 2006

I was telling my friend Jen how awful one of my “brick” trainings had been last week. I clearly was dehydrated. I was seeing double. I was feeling like I was going to throw up. The only thing I wanted to do was stop and curl up under a shade tree and fall asleep. I guess…what do I expect, it was 2:00 in the afternoon and it was a whopping 93 degrees with very high humidity. I deserved all the pain I put myself through.

I went on to tell her that it was a real eye opening experience and that I learned I needed to pack more water with me on my long rides to make it any distance on my runs. Then she simply asked, “So with all that water, if you have to go to the bathroom during the race, are you just going to pee on yourself.”

Hmmmm, very interesting question Jen. One which I am not sure I yet know the answer to.

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