How do you live the cliché?

July 26th, 2006

Last night after I had put the kids down, cleaned the kitchen and put all the kids’ toys away, I dropped down on the couch to relax and read in the blissful quiet.

Before I opened my book I found myself staring at the bookshelves with all the books and photos so randomly rearranged by my children. My first thought was to immediately get up and once again organize the shelves. Then it dawned on me…in the not so distant future there will be no undone bookshelves, there will be no small hand prints on the windows, there will be no screens ripped out of the door. Life will not be like living in a tornado of children forever.

They will all too quickly grow up. They will learn to “do” for themselves. And life will change, yet again.

How do I learn to savor this time?

How do I learn to embrace this craziness?

How do I learn to take each and every day and live it to the fullest with three kids that need so much, take so much and crave every single ounce of me?

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