TWO – 2 – II

May 15th, 2006

Dear KP,
It’s hard to believe you have been in our family for two whole years, and it is even harder to imagine life without you. You are amazing and funny and crazy and wonderful.

You are the baby, who isn’t a baby. You are like a little bottle of soda pop that has been shaken and everything inside is ready to GOOOOOOO, once the top is off or in your case once the door is open. You love being too rough. You love carrying the cat around the house. You love being naked. You love whatever it is your siblings are doing. You love worms and balls and splashing in puddles. You love CAKE. You love it all.

And we love you…you little crazy monkey. May two be even better than one.

I love you so much…Happy 2nd birthday.


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