A sign of things to come?
Tuesday morning PJ and I were having some really nice quality mother-daughter time, raking, seeding, planting, dusting and doing other various house hold chores while KP slept and CT was at school.
While we were in the basement dusting, PJ announces that she has to go potty and that she wants me to come with her. I told her to go on by herself and that I would be up to wipe her shortly.
She started to become defiant, stood her ground and refused to go by herself. Please note, she has been going potty by herself for several months now and even wiping her own poopy bottom, so it isn’t like she can’t do this task.
I asked her to please let me finish my dusting and then I would be more than happy to help.
She kept demanding.
I kept pleading and dusting. I just wanted to finish the dusting!
She said, “I tinkled in my pants.”
Not looking, I told her to get up stairs immediately and finish going potty in the bathroom.
She said, “I tinkling on the remote.”
I turned and looked at my little girl, white hot rage starting to burn over my skin. She was standing with her legs shoulder width apart, her angry little eyes peering out through the hair that was covering her face, the remote laying dead center underneath her and there she was…peeing on it.
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